
Rotary incremental encodersRotary incremental encoder series for solid, blind/through hollow shaft

Rotary absolute encodersSingle- and multi-turn absolute encoder series

Linear transducersLinear incremental encoders, potentiometer and magnetostrictive transducers

Other products

Synchronous / Asynchronous motors
Lines of optical and magnetic encoders, resistant to a broad spectrum of temperature and to high speed rotation.
Motion control
Series with a high IP sealing, extremely adaptable and easy to fix, particularly suitable for motion control application.
Textile industry
Sturdy devices resistant to vibrations and dust, which ensure at the same time an elevated speed and resolution.
Medical technology
Top accuracy and precision encoder series to ensure an optimal control on the latest medical-scientific technologies.
Iron and steel
Absolute and incremental encoder series with high mechanical resistance, specially fit for the processing of iron and steel at high temperature.
Incremental and absolute rotary encoder series, with high resolution and accuracy, to ensure total reliability and safety.
High-accuracy and easy mounting encoder lines, designed for linear long distance measurement.
Wind energy
Encoder series resistant to a wide range of temperature and to extreme environments, developed to optimize the Pitch and Yaw systems in wind turbines.
Food & Beverages
Stainless steel encoder lines, with high IP sealing to protect the device from chemical products and liquids and ensure the maximum reliability.
Encoders featuring high resolution and output frequency to ensure the maximum accuracy of automated systems and industrial robots.
Paper and print
High IP rated encoder series resistant to the water and the humidity produced by the processing of the pulp of the paper.
Brushless motors
Very solid devices with Hall Effect integrated, high resistance and a wide range of resolution and of electronic output available.
Event technology
Rotary and linear encoder lines suitable for fitness equipment, theater’s automated structures and mechanical rides.
Material lifting
Solutions for harsh environments, built to be extremely sturdy and resistant to the vibrations produced by the lifting of goods and heavy materials.
Excavating machines
Stainless steel solutions with high IP sealing, to ensure a long durability and resistance of the device also in corrosive and harsh environments.
Solar power
Extremely sturdy magnetic encoder lines, developed for a reliable position sensing of the Tilt and Azimuth angles in solar trackers.
High-speed and output frequency encoder models, designed for an accurate and effective control of speed and position.
Marble and stones
Very sturdy, high resolution and precision solutions, developed for marble, granite and stones processing.
Wood processing
Devices featuring excellent resolution and high speed, specially fit for milling machines, presses and CNC (Computer Numerical Control).
Stepper motors
Absolutely compact and easy to fix encoders, designed to be highly adaptable and to ensure the maximum reliability.
Winches and drillers
Very sturdy and solid solutions, ATEX marked, available with several electronic interface options for a precise and safe control of winches and drillers.
AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle)
Rotary and linear encoders with magnetic sensing technology, particularly solid and with an high IP sealing.
Glass and ceramics
Elevated IP rated devices, resistant to liquids and to a broad spectrum of temperature, suited for glass and ceramics manufacturing.
Plastic and rubber
Compact and easy mounting incremental and absolute encoder lines, developed to operate at a wide range of temperature.
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Behind any invention or technology innovation there's always the ingenious of a human being. For this reason, we are well-aware that it is the people that form our Company, with their know-how, their expertise and experience, that represent the real patrimony of Eltra and what has allowed us to grow during our 30 years of activity.
"Think global, act local". Along the years Eltra has become a company with a global presence, clients all over the world and a distribution network that covers all the continents but, at the same time, we have never forgotten our identity of Italian industry, putting the quality of our products and the service rendered to our Customers ahead of anything else.
For any doubts, information or clarification regarding technical details of our encoders, please contact our Customer support service at the e-mail address:
Our Headquarters are located in Monticello di Fara, Sarego, at 26 Km from Vicenza and 40 km from Verona.
If you are arriving by car, Montebello's highway exit is at less of 5 Km away while the Montecchio Maggiore is about 10 km far.
You may use the following coordinates on your navigation system:
Latitude: 45.42167 - Longitude: 11.39604